It is difficult to confuse cystitis with another disease. Many women are familiar with a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and burning in the ureter. Women are much more likely than men to suffer from inflammation of the bladder due to the anatomical structure of the organ. The female urethra is wider and shorter, which provokes infection.
Treatment of cystitis in women at home
The disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococcus or Escherichia coli. They penetrate the urethra into the bladder, causing inflammation. Cystitis begins with an acute form: every 15-20 minutes a woman feels the urge to urinate, pain, burning in the lower abdomen. With hemorrhagic cystitis, blood is found in the urine, body temperature rises. If the disease is not treated, then over time the inflammation becomes chronic and lasts for years or a lifetime.
To cure a woman of cystitis, you need to undergo an examination, and then identify the cause of the disease. As a rule, the doctor, after laboratory tests, prescribes a course of antibiotics, herbal remedies and antispasmodics. In the process of treating cystitis, women are recommended:
- drink plenty of water, herbal decoctions to quickly "wash out" the pathogenic microflora from the bladder;
- observe bed rest;
- strictly control the purity of the genitals;
- sit in warm water with a decoction of herbs that remove acute pain;
- remove fried, fatty, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee from the diet;
- eat low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits.
antibiotics for cystitis
Antibiotics are needed to kill the infection. Pills for inflammation of the bladder are prescribed to women after the exact establishment of the pathogen. Divide antibiotics from cystitis into 3 groups:
- Tetracycline.
- Penicillin.
- Sulfanilamide.
The duration of the course of therapy depends on the form and course of the disease, and the treatment lasts no more than a week. If a woman takes antibacterial drugs for a longer period, then side effects may occur in the form of a violation in the digestive tract. Antibiotics should be taken with great care in patients with diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy, menopause, during lactation.
What else treats cystitis in women? Herbal medicines are effective. The drugs reduce pain and cramps in a woman with cystitis and urethritis. Tablets from cystitis with cranberry extract prevent the reproduction of pathogens on the surface of the epithelium of the urinary tract due to the high content of proanthocyanidins.
For the effective treatment of cystitis in women and girls, doctors use antispasmodics. These include drugs that can relieve muscle spasms of internal organs. When the painful recurrent spasm passes, the woman feels relieved. Medicines in this group remove the symptom of frequent urination by relaxing the sphincter. The advantage of antispasmodics is their speed, and the disadvantage is side effects during treatment in the form of dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness.
Treatment of cystitis at home folk remedies
Exacerbation of cystitis in a woman requires the appointment of antibiotics. To antibacterial drug treatment, you can add folk remedies that have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect. Complex treatment of the genitourinary system includes lingonberry or cranberry juice, kidney tea, herbal infusions, decoctions, fees.
herbs for cystitis
Chronic inflammation of the bladder can be treated with decoctions of medicinal plants. Popular herbs for cystitis are bearberry, chamomile, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaf, yellow water lily rhizomes. They are easy to buy at a pharmacy, brew like regular tea, and then drink periodically. To prevent the disease, herbal treatment can be carried out daily for a month.
Another good traditional medicine recipe against bacterial cystitis is a medicinal infusion of dill. Grind the seeds of the plant to a state of flour, then 1 tsp. brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, then drink with the sediment. Do this for a week on an empty stomach every morning. This method will help a woman to get rid of urinary incontinence on her own.
Diet for cystitis in women
When an acute inflammation of the bladder occurs, the first task of a woman is to increase the outflow of urine from the organ. To cause this condition will help the inclusion in the diet of low-salt foods, alkalizing foods. In addition, you should drink plenty of fluids. Eating during illness should be four to five times a day in small portions. In an acute attack of cystitis, even before you consult a doctor, you need to resort to the following methods to increase the outflow of urine:
- drink at least two liters of plain water daily;
- drink several glasses of green tea;
- drink herbal decoctions according to the scheme: half a glass every 4 hours.
At the first manifestations of the disease, exclude from your menu products that cause irritation of the bladder: smoked meats, marinades, sweet pastries, confectionery, coffee, strong tea, seasonings, spicy dishes, harsh spices. Instead, it is recommended to give preference to a dairy-vegetarian diet, in which the combination of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is optimally adjusted. The list of products that are indicated in the treatment of cystitis:
- fresh vegetables and fruits;
- boiled beets;
- dairy products;
- boiled meat or fish;
- vegetable soups prepared without meat or fish broths.
How to treat cystitis during pregnancy
A woman who is carrying a baby or nursing a baby should be carefully anesthetized with any inflammation. Unfortunately, exacerbation of cystitis in a pregnant woman against the background of weak immunity is a common phenomenon. Independent use of tablets, ointments, suppositories or folk remedies on the advice of friends can lead to undesirable consequences.
At the first sign of an acute relapse or frequent urination, contact your doctor immediately. The specialist, taking into account the form of cystitis, the duration of pregnancy, will prescribe antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs that help reduce symptoms individually in each case.
How to cure chronic cystitis
Even with the current level of development of medicine, no doctor can guarantee a woman about the complete cure of chronic cystitis. One has only to catch a cold in the bladder once and not cure the disease, as the inflammation will return after hypothermia, prolonged nervous stress, prolonged use of tampons or sexual intercourse. In addition to drugs, it is important for the prevention of the disease and its treatment to switch to a healthy lifestyle without alcohol, smoking, with proper nutrition.
Which doctor to contact with cystitis
Most women with symptoms of cystitis rush to see a gynecologist. You should know that the urologist is engaged in the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system. The information that this is a male doctor is a myth that has taken root among the population. For a correct diagnosis and more effective treatment, a woman should complain to a urologist.